Bern, 08.07.2021 – Registered unemployed in June 2021 – According to the state secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), at the end of June 2021, 131,821 people were registered as unemployed with the regional employment offices (ORP), 11,145 fewer than the previous month. The unemployment rate fell from 3.1% in May 2021 to 2.8% in the month under review. Unemployment fell by 18,468 people (-12.3%) compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.
Youth unemployment in June 2021
Youth unemployment (aged 15 to 24) fell by 991 people (-7.8%), to 11,763. Compared to the same month of the previous year, it decreased by 5,554 people (-32.1%).
Unemployed aged 50-64 in June 2021
The number of unemployed aged 50-64 decreased by 2,526 people (-5.9%) to settle at 40,433 people. Compared to the same month of the previous year, this corresponds to an increase of 749 people (+1.9%).
Jobseekers in June 2021
The total number of registered jobseekers amounts to 226,637 people, i.e. 10,730 less than the previous month and 6,817 (-2.9%) less than in the same month of the previous year.
Vacancies announced in June 2021
On 1 July 2018, the obligation to advertise vacancies for types of professions with a national unemployment rate of at least 8% was introduced throughout Switzerland; since 1 January 2020, this threshold value has been increased to 5%. It increased by 5,462 in June to 60,717. Of these 60,717 places, 45,580 were subject to the obligation to announce.
Reductions in working hours counted in April 2021
In April 2021, reductions in working hours (short-time working) affected 304,284 people, i.e. 36,669 fewer (-10.8%) than the previous month. The number of enterprises using such measures decreased by 3,574 units (-8.0%), to 41,019, while the number of hours lost by 6,126,247 units (-22.6%) to 20,973,688 hours. The previous year at the same time (April 2020), short-time working had been rife in 131,069 companies, affecting 1,077,041 people and resulting in the loss of 90,185,271 hours of work.
People who reached the end of their entitlements in April 2021
According to provisional data provided by the unemployment funds, 28 people exhausted their entitlement to unemployment insurance benefits during the month of April 2021. Any insured person who has not yet exhausted his or her entitlement to the allowance on 1 March 2021 receives a maximum of 66 additional daily allowances for the period from 1 March to 31 May 2021.
Unofficial translated text from the SECO website